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Health & Wellness Management for Office Workers

April 27, 2018
June 21, 2023
Girl bouncing on yoga ball

Wellness can be interpreted in many ways, but all surround the general idea of making choices that grant a healthy, fulfilling life. Health & wellness in any workplace is very important because so much of the average day is spent performing a variety of tasks, or sometimes none at all, depending on the nature of employment. The first step in health & wellness management starts with knowledge. For those wanting to achieve a better sense of well being, look for these upcoming blogs:

Stress Management

Some jobs are more stressful than others. No matter how much pressure you may come under during your time at work, knowing how to properly manage your stress is key. There’s nothing quite like being stressed at work. If left unchecked, stress could prove to affect your work environment, and more importantly, your health. The post for this topic will surround the many causes and effects of stress, along with strategies to properly manage it in a healthy, comfortable way.

How to Avoid “Sitting Disease”

A term coined by the scientific community, sitting disease is a serious condition that causes significant physiologic changes that reduce your body’s ability to metabolize fats and sugars. In turn, it affects its ability to fight disease and can alter your natural protective mechanisms. This happens when enzymes in the blood vessels become ineffective after about 60-90 minutes of sitting. It’s interesting because many people believe that the best way to offset many hours spent sitting in front of a computer screen is going to work out for an hour in a gym. Exercise of any kind undoubtedly does the body good, but isn’t very effective in preventing the likelihood of sitting disease. In this post, we’ll discuss the significance of sitting disease and several easy ways in which you can avoid it.

Eye Fatigue

Eye fatigue is one of the most common complaints by workers across the nation, especially since the average person at work spends 7 hours using the computer per day. Frequent eye strain can cause all sorts of problems leading to physical fatigue, a decrease in overall productivity, and itchy red eyes. While many employers are aware of the negative effects of eye fatigue, the work is still expected to be done - that’s why this post explains what you can do to reduce your chances of experiencing eye fatigue.

Desk Ergonomics

You’ve probably heard that the key to a great day at work starts with a functional workstation. Or not. No matter what you may have heard, sedentary lifestyles are proving to negatively affect the health of the average worker every year. Fortunately, more and more companies have educated themselves and their hardworking employees on how to implement the best office ergonomics programs. If your workplace doesn’t yet have an office ergonomics program, this post is a must-read.

Staying Active In The Office

It’s easy to feel lethargic with each passing day, especially when your daily routine lacks considerable amounts of movement. Sometimes staying active is more than choosing several flights of stairs over the escalator on the way in and out of work.

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