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Wellness Management

Your Greatest Asset: Your Employees

Your employees subject their bodies to consistent, repetitive movement - day in, day out.

Kind of like pro athletes. Actually, just like pro athletes.

Their physical health and wellness directly affects their ability to perform their job effectively & safely - and, just like in professional sports, an unhealthy employee weakens and strains your entire team.

Show your commitment to excellence by making the well-being of your workforce a top priority.

Work-Fit Brings Wellness Management to Your Worksite

At Work-Fit our exercise physiologists, health and fitness professionals and athletic trainers are all Wellness Coaches; We study muscles, joints, bones, and we know just how taxing physical work can be on the human body.

We see manual labor workers as professional athletes, and we think they should be treated like it! This is why our “office” is your workplace: we spend a good portion of our time observing workflow, engaging with your employees to ensure they are using proper alignment, and looking for any processes that can be improved to reduce risk of injury.

We’re firm believers in the Upstream Approach to wellness: we address factors that lead to problems, rather than waiting for there to be a problem to fix. As we understand the importance of proper physical alignment and work-life balance in health, we make ourselves available for any questions your employees have about wellness. From proper form on the work floor, to smoking cessation, to sleep, to diet and fitness, we’re here to be a resource for all of your employees’ questions about their health.

Work-Fit Offers Wellness Programs:

  • Group Programming. We provide healthy lifestyle education classes on work-life balance, fitness, diet, exercise, and mindfulness that will bring your entire workforce’s focus onto their self-awareness.
  • Individual Programming. We’re here for each and every employee - for all shifts - with coaching on managing stress factors like diet and sleep, tailored to each employee for their specific situation and job description.
  • Fitness Consultations. As exercise physiologists, athletic trainers and health and fitness professionals we have comprehensive experience in many fields of fitness.  Our professionals can address any need or question you have.
  • 100% Face-to-Face Interaction. When it comes to bridging the work-life balance gap, we know how important it is to build relationships (we really do want to know about your niece’s tee ball game!) This is why our meetings are completely hands-on & in-person - we don't want to just tell your employees what to do, we want to show them, and be there for them while they do.
Upstream Care Model

Related Blogs:

Take Work-Fit's Office Ergonomic Assessment

Do you work at a desk or have you created a home office space?
Do you feel tired, sore or experience headaches throughout the day?
Are you interested in maximizing your efficiency and your comfort?

Take Work-Fit's Office Ergonomic Assessment and get help right away!

Take The Assessment here
skeleton sitting in chair proper back alignment

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