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Your Company’s Processes Could be Hurting Employees and Profits

“Ergonomics” is a word many people claim they know, but often don’t fully comprehend.

Most people associate the idea of ergonomics with oddly-shaped keyboards and other handheld tools, but incorporating ergonomic practices in the workplace can increase employee morale and generate savings from employer healthcare expenses.

From corporate workers who sit at a desk and type throughout the day to workers on an assembly line, we engage in the same repetitive motions that set employees up for injury, not today, not tomorrow, but months and years later.

Your employees could be setting themselves up for injuries and not even know it, unless they’ve had proper ergonomic training to prevent musculoskeletal injuries.

Ergonomics are so important that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends utilizing an ergonomic program at the workplace as an ongoing, adaptable strategy.

Your Most Valuable Employees are the Most Affected

Imagine working on an assembly line, or any job that involves repetitive motions, and think about the joints you used to accomplish that task. Were they sore or stiff?

Now imagine doing that same job 40 hours a week for 30 years. Your joints are subjected to an extraordinary amount of stress over that time which leads to injuries. These injuries aren’t simple fixes either. Some are chronic, like carpal tunnel, and others will require surgery, such as torn rotator cuffs.

Your company can mitigate injuries to your most valuable assets, your employees, and increase morale, productivity and profits with proper ergonomic management.

Keep Your Employees Safe on the Job with Work-Fit

Ergonomics incorporation in the workplace will generate savings on worker’s compensation by identifying the root cause of recurrent musculoskeletal disorders that keeps valuable workers away from the job.

Our proactive, preventive care process starts with learning about your company’s work environment and where your employees spend the majority of their time. We build relationships with employees and management to discover MSD stressors in your workplace and how you can avoid them.

Best of all, the improved health and morale of your employees will provide returns on productivity when you integrate Work-Fit’s ergonomic services and ergonomic design into your company’s operations.

You can increase savings with Work-Fit by clicking here to speak to a Work-Fit representative about developing an ergonomic plan for your company.

Related Blogs:

Take Work-Fit's Office Ergonomic Assessment

Do you work at a desk or have you created a home office space?
Do you feel tired, sore or experience headaches throughout the day?
Are you interested in maximizing your efficiency and your comfort?

Take Work-Fit's Office Ergonomic Assessment and get help right away!

Take The Assessment here
skeleton sitting in chair proper back alignment

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